Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kake and Moo :)

I haven't written anything in a while cause life has been pretty boring but today i got another fish! Originally i had a green fish named Keiko and a pink one named Sosa, but Sosa died. My plan after Sosa died was to just wait till Keiko died...but he is still very alive. I thought he would die soon after Sosa but i was wrong. I didn't want another fish so i tried to let Keiko die of natural causes such as....not feeding him very often and not cleaning his tank every week; you know natural stuff like that. But he still isn't dead so i figured it was time to get him a friend. Today i got him an orange friend named Shamoo. My Mom thought of the cutest nickname, Moo :) So i decided to give Keiko a nickname...Kake :) They love each other already so i'm hoping that neither one of them die.